Fly Rugs

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Fly Rugs

Fly rugs and sheets are a summer essential, designed to provide effective protection to your horse from flies, midges and biting insects. They are made from breathable mesh material in light colours to reflect the sun's rays and help to keep your horse cool. Many also feature the added bonus of UV protection. Different styles and designs of fly rug will offer your horse varying levels of protection, so it's a good idea to research the rug which will suit your horse best. Additional features such as an integrated neck cover, belly flap and large tail flap will help offer improved protection for your horse. Some styles of fly rug will also offer UV protection, helping to protect your horse's skin and prevent coat bleaching.

Waterproof fly rugs are a common choice for changeable weather during British summers, keeping your horse dry and protected from insects at the same time.

With a wide range of fly rugs available from your favourite brands including Shires, Weatherbeeta and Horseware, you can be sure to find the best match for your horse.

For optimum protection, shop sweet itch rugs which give full coverage from poll to tail and help to relieve seasonal itching.